Israel Seminars - Ronny Simon - A special offer – 10 lectures on video seminar – "Give us a king", the rise & fall of the Hebrew kingdoms

A special offer – 10 lectures on video seminar – "Give us a king", the rise & fall of the Hebrew kingdoms

This seminar aspires to tell the story of the Hebrew kingdoms as a historic epic. By using documents from surrounding kingdoms and Empires that supplement the Bible, we try to build the story chronologically and explain action and reaction in the kingdoms' life. The location of Israel & Judah, half way between the superpowers, was an ongoing challenge for the local kings. Navigating their way between the powers carefully choosing allies and making enemies, was their main challenge. At the same time, the tension between the sister kingdoms was on a changing level – from close allies, to bitter enemies. The lecture will view some of the prophets and their prophecies together with their position in society and role in shaping the national mindset. The lecture covers the time period from the days of the Judges, through the demise of the northern kingdom and the exile of the kingdom of Judah.

Video preview
Price: $75.00
Shipping: $0.00
